Recent Family Birthdays

Monday, July 26, 2004

Dad's Birthday at the Glasgow Science Centre - 10th November 2003

Alistair having a serious moment - cool background though

Sunday, July 25, 2004

The stoopid thing is - that's not a touch screen!

Can you tell what it is yet?

She's taking this very seriously and Dad isn't even looking!

Fly that plane Mum!

The physics of Riding a bike, very difficult you know!

My Dad!! The Birthday Boy!

Alistair looking alarmed!

Mum figuring out a puzzle

Nana's 80th Birthday (1st October 2003)

Alistair and Amanda

Amanda and Lorraine

Birthday girl and her Son (and a lovely cake!)

Another Birthday Girl!

Aunt Christine (Julie Andrews!!) and my Cousin Stuart

Mum and Alistair

Mum's 50th Birthday (3rd July 2003)

Lorraine and Alistair

Mum and the golf cake

Jeff and beth

Alistair and Dad

Mum and her school pal Laura

I know my Mum doesn't like this picture, but I do! Happy Birthday, Birthday Girl!

Gran's Birthday (5th May 2003)

The birthday girl and her son. May 2003

Sorry - I know it's not the greatest picture of my Mum and she's not even had much to drink!

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